Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Intro to the zoo

Last year I had every intention of keeping a blog to show just what we do each and everyday. Unfortunately life got in the way and it just didn't happen. Our oldest son was extremely ill and we spent months visiting doctors, I will admit I also spent months sitting and crying and trying to figure out just how I felt. In the end though I am grateful for that year of chaos, it helped solidify why we do what we do, why we live the way we live.

Now that that is out of the way I'd like to introduce us. We are a family of seven. I am Danielle, a housewife and mother extraordinaire to a brood of five children. Along for the ride is Mike, my husband of 19 years and an amazing piano technician. Together we try to get through each day without too much insanity. Our children are Kyle (17), Hunter (15), Jared (14), Hannah (12) and Josh (11).

Our interests are varied. We like to camp, travel, dabble in photography, tune pianos, tinker, build, garden, write, play guitar, draw, play minecraft, play cello, study latin, play bass, build computers, play mellophone, cook, play french horn, skateboard, jump on the trampoline, read, play accordion, and many many more things.

We love life and try to be as Christ centered as we can. My main concern as a mother is that I have happy, healthy, kind, and loving children who know how to laugh and have fun.

We are a unschooling family (mostly) which is a form of homeschooling for those who might be wondering. We learn through a mix of life experiences, classes, books, and real life situations. Our oldest child has chosen a little different path and has chosen to remain at the local high school where he is a senior. So in many ways we are still a part of the system which doesn't always sit well with me. Our 15 year old son also attends class at the local high school but only for band class, he also participates in the marching band. And just to keep me us on our toes our daughter is in the orchestra at the local middle school. Up until four years ago all of our children attended public school but due to life smacking us upside the head we went down a different path...a path that has changed our life and made it all that more wonderful.

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back for updates.